Thursday, January 29, 2009

Prayers for Kasey

One of our Cancer Warriors is Kasey Radford and he is 11 years old. He has been fighting a brain tumor called Glioblastoma since he was 8 years old. His teams are "Kasey's Crew", "Kasey's Crew II" and "Kasey's Cruisers". Kasey is also our "Honorary Committee Member" and he is the one who draws the tickets at our meetings for door prizes. Kasey and his mom Amy were unable to come to the meeting on Monday. At the start of the meeting, we found out that Kasey had 2 strokes and was having bleeding in his right temporal lobe. As of this morning, it seems that Kasey will be having surgery on Friday, I believe to try and stop the bleeding. Please keep Kasey and his family in your prayers. I am linking the Caring Bridge site below where Kasey's mom shares about updates of Kasey. Their is a guestbook on the website and Kasey enjoys hearing all the messages left by everyone. If you can leave a message for Kasey, I'm sure he would enjoy hearing from you. Again, please keep Kasey in your prayers. Thank you.

Jen Caine
Event Chair

Monday, January 19, 2009

Next meeting Monday January 26th!

The next meeting is Monday January 26th at the Camas Public Library! It will be the 2nd Kickoff and an opportunity for BRAND NEW teams to register for half price at the meeting! 5:30 - 6:30pm is the Committee Meeting and 7:00 - 8:00pm is the Team Captain/Public meeting! See you then!

Happy Relaying!
Jen Caine