Monday, November 17, 2008
The 1st Committee & Team Captain Meeting of the year!!!
It is Lung Cancer awareness month, so I shared some facts about Lung Cancer. I also shared a blog of Doreen Schmidt, a woman fighting lung cancer that hasn't smoked a day in her life! To check it out, go to
Congratulations to the Heathman Lodge for being the first team to register 15 participants! You are AWESOME!!!
The "Team Captain Challenge" that I have put forth this month is.......the first Team Captain that gets 15 team members registered online, will receive a $20 gift card to Best Buy! Each Team Captain thereafter that gets 15 team members registered, will receive some type of prize! The prizes will be awarded at the next meeting on Monday, December 15th!!! So get those team members registered!!!
If you want to be part of the "$1000 Club", you simply have to raise $1000 as an individual! We had 9 participants that made the $1000 Club last year!!! The total amount raised between the 9 participants......$21,064.06!!! YOU ARE RELAY ROCKSTARS!!!
Well, it is 10:30pm and I should probably get to bed! I will leave you with a quote that I listed on the agenda tonight!
"The nice thing about teamwork is that you always have others on your side." So remember that all of us are working together for one find a cure for cancer. Have a nice evening and sleep tight!
Happy Relaying!
Jen Caine
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Relay University!!!
It was Relay University today in Portland and we had close to 300 participants attend! We had 16 attend from our East Clark County Relay Committee! Relay University was training for our Committee members and I think they all came away energized and excited about this year!!! The better trained that the Committee is, the more ideas they have, and the better our Relay is!!!
I was pleasantly surprised to find that our very own Relay came in 2nd place for amount raised by a Relay in our Region! If I am correct, that is approximately 25 Relays! That is awesome and I was extremely excited to accept our banner! I will be sure to bring it to the next meeting, as well as have it hung up at our Relay! Great job to all of you that worked very hard last year and helped us come in 2nd place!!! You are awesome!!!
Our next meeting is on Monday November 17th at the Camas Public Library! If you are on the Committee, or interested in being on the Committee, our meeting is from 5:30pm - 6:30pm. Team Captain & Public Meeting is from 7:00pm - 8:00pm. It is Lung Cancer Awareness month and we will be sharing some information as well! We hope to see you there!!!
Happy Relaying!
Jen Caine
Event Chair
Sunday, November 9, 2008
We're ropin' in more teams!
Speaking of fundraisers, Our first one of the year was on Sunday November 2nd and it was Caralinda's Crew Bunco Bash! It was a hit with total funds raised of $1459!!! Great job Caralinda's Crew! I enjoyed coming and had tons of fun as always! If you missed out, they will be having one again next year!!!
If you are looking for gifts for Christmas, you should check out the 1st annual "Hope for the Holiday's" bazaar that will be held on Sunday November 16th at the Red Lion in Jantzen Beach. Teams from Relays from Salem to Longview will have tables at the bazaar selling all kinds of items! So come start your Christmas shopping, and know that your money if going back to Relay For Life! It will be from 9:00am - 4:00pm.
Don't forget! If you have a fundraiser coming up for your team, please let me know as soon as possible! I will advertise it on the blog, and our local, Portland/Vancouver region, website will advertise it as well!
Our first meeting will be on Monday November 17th at the Camas Public Library in the upstairs meeting rooms. Committee Members meet from 5:30 - 6:30pm and Team Captains or people interested in learning about Relay meet from 7:00 - 8:00pm. As a reminder, if you haven't registered yet, you can do it at our meeting. Please remember to bring your registration fee of $100 for a team, or $50 for a youth team. You must pay your registration fee at the time you register.
Happy Relaying!
Jen Caine
Event Chair
Fighting Cancer with Food!
Did you know that on any given day in the
Maintaining a healthy weight throughout your life, adopting a physically active lifestyle, consuming a healthy diet with an emphasis of plant sources and limiting alcoholic beverages are all ways to limit your risk to cancer, says Colleen Doyle, American Cancer Society’s nutrition expert.
Several bodies of research have shown that becoming overweight increases the likelihood of developing six different types of cancer.
Eating right becomes increasingly challenging for many people during the holiday season. However, Doyle says those holiday meals don’t have to be filled with many extra calories. She suggests good planning with choice ingredients can help skinny down holiday meals without compromising taste.
“Sweet potatoes, cranberries, pumpkin, acorn squash are must-have fruits and vegetables at many a family feast, and they just happen to be loaded with cancer-fighting beta carotene, phytochemicals and fiber,” says Doyle.
Maintaining your optimum weight reduces your risk for cancer. For great pointers how to stock your grocery cart cancer-fighting food, check out Colleen Doyle’s fun and healthy tips video.
Want to get started now? Here are some healthy recipes to try. Learn to eat right with ACS Virtual Dietitian.